The Last of Her Kind Page 2
"See, that's no good. You can't be a Warrior and be afraid of a little wine."
"How would you know? You never made the cut."
His smile deflated like a popped balloon and Dean inwardly smiled at her petty victory. As the alpha's son, he would never wear the uniform, but he was expected to be able to fight, at the very least, at the same level as his soldiers. He was five years older than her, yet Dean had mastered her wolf first, a fact she knew had to rankle him. His future power didn't intimidate her the way it affected others in their age group. Lamar was an ass and she wasn't afraid to share her opinion.
"I don't think I've had the chance to congratulate you," he bit out. With one powerful gulp, he downed the last of his wine and tossed it away. "Some dumb coyote is in there saying how wonderful it was for me to take you under my wing and blabbering on about how strong the next alpha pair will be. I think my father put him up to it. The man has no tact."
"The next alpha pair?" Dean frowned in confusion. "What unlucky girl got stuck with you?"
Lamar flashed what should have been a charming smile but it didn't reach his eyes, which showed only a cruel humor as he took a step closer. "Don't play dumb. Me, the most dominant male. You, the most dominant female. You know how this thing goes."
He reached out to her and Dean backpedaled away. Dammit. This is why I left. "Come now cousin," she said putting extra emphasis on the term. "I think you've had a drink too many. Let me help you back to the house."
The smile fell off his face. "Are you saying I can't get there myself?"
"I was just saying- "
"What, Deanna? That an alpha shouldn't drink because it clouds his vision? You think that your abstinence is just one more thing that makes you better than me, don't you?"
"Lamar, calm- "
"Well I've got some insight for you! YOU AREN'T BETTER THAN ME!"
He charged her, but the drink had made him sluggish. It was laughably easy to step to the side, stick out her foot, and use a hand to help him on his way to the ground. She wasn't expecting him to catch his fall with a front flip, landing on his feet and spinning around to charge at her again. Dean's next dodge was a narrow miss. His hand shot for her shirt, tearing away a sleeve when she twisted from his grip.
Lamar waved his trophy at her. "Where is your focus, Warrior? Our teacher would have you lashed for such a terrible display."
"Why are you doing this?" she snapped. "I can't fight you. I took an oath."
"Then you accept death."
He readied for another attack and Dean felt her instincts take over as she dropped into a fighting stance, her eyes conflicted but her mouth set into a grim line of determination. Before they could come together, a shape materialized from the darkness with the speed of a striking cat.
In the next moment, Lucien was there, a hand holding the back of his son's neck roughly as he fixed them both with his best glare. Dean let out a relieved breath, expecting an end to the trouble. She was completely surprised when Lucien set his son down and drew a wide circle in the dirt.
"If you two are going to fight," he growled, "you fight in a ring, not brawling in the mud like a pair of animals."
Dean was appalled. "Alpha- "
"Silence," he said coolly, and her mouth snapped closed with an audible click. "Lamar, you challenged a wolf of this pack. Just because you are of Amarok blood doesn't mean you can escape this. Get in the ring." His son nodded and obeyed, stepping into the crudely drawn circle as sweat beaded along his neck. Lucien focused his attention back on Dean, who flinched under the scrutiny. "Warrior. You have been challenged."
He left no room for negotiation in his words. To refuse a challenge was an act of cowardice. If word spread of it, she would be regulated to the bottom of the dog pile, so to speak. Swallowing heavily, she stepped into the ring.
Lucien nodded at the two combatants. "Wolves. At the ready."
Dean reluctantly held up her fists again. On the opposite side of the ring, Lamar raised his left hand to his mouth and bit down. With his lack of control, it took several minutes before he settled into the half-form. The bi-pedaled animal raised his upper lip in a snarl as his thick tail lashed behind it. Red lines branched out around his eyes, the thick veins pulsing in time with his heartbeat. Its hair was thicker by the head, forming a mane that fanned around his head like a lion's.
In his half form, Lamar was bigger than his father and nearly as intimidating, but any fear she might have felt was calmed by the visible spams of his muscles as he strained to maintain the form.
Dean shot one more pleading look at her uncle. If he tries to maintain that form without proper control, his wolf will frenzy, her eyes communicated. Do you want to have to put your own son down? Lucien was stony faced. "Will you change?"
She gritted her teeth. "No." She wouldn't encourage this madness.
Lamar charged at her. The transformation had helped burn through the wine in his system, making his movements much sharper. She wasn't quick enough to dodge as he plowed into her. Big as he was, if he got her to the ground, there was no way she could win. The initial shock was hard to weather, but her shoes offered her better traction than her opponent's malformed feet. Lamar's subsequent attempts to knock her down lacked any real strength and she was eventually able to push him off.
They stared at each other, waiting for an opportunity. Dean saw it when Lamar's thigh visibly trembled. The weak muscle made him dip to the side, putting him further off balance. She rushed forward and feinted a punch. When his guard came up, she kicked low. He howled as his leg gave out, dropping him to his knees.
Teeth bared in a scowl, he lashed out wildly with his claws. Dean backpedaled out of his reach and circled him. It was sad watching him twist and throw himself about to keep her in his sight. Eventually, his struggles lagged when his entire right arm began to spasm. He used his left to hold it, leaving him defenseless. Dean spun and kicked him in the head, driving her heel into his temple.
Lamar lay on his hands and knees, panting harshly as his body pushed him to complete its natural process. Dean stood over him, undecided. If this were any other fight, she would have knocked him to the ground, taken out his knees so he couldn't stand, and systematically ripped him apart. But this wasn't an ordinary fight. He was her future leader, the heart of the pack she was sworn to protect. She couldn't really hurt him and this had already gone farther than a simple argument.
"Will you finish it?" Lucien called from his place outside the ring.
"It's already finished," Dean replied. Shaking her head, she turned her back on her struggling cousin and left the ring. She would have left without saying another word, but Lucien called out to her.
"Tomorrow afternoon, after you've finished your business with Lou, come see me in my office. We need to talk."
Dean woke from a fitful sleep and trudged into the kitchen angrily. Her parents were already seated and both reacted from the tension rolling off her. Deava, who was a submissive, cringed away, retreating to the stove on the opposite side of the kitchen. Lok bristled, taking it as a challenge. "Little bird," he said in warning, "pull your wolf together."
She snapped out of her daze and noticed the effect she was having on her family. With a contrite look, she consciously relaxed and took a seat at the table. "I'm sorry Mother. I didn't mean to scare you."
Deava let out an explosive sighed and came closer, running her hand through Dean's hair. "I wasn't scared of you. It's just the animals acting up. Breakfast?"
"Yes please."
Her father chuckled lowly. "An Amarok with manners. You're a rare breed little bird."
Dean grinned at him. She had seen children who were more dominant than their parents rebel against them out of a misguided sense of superiority. It ruined the family unit and caused undue strife. Some got so bad, Lucien had to intervene.
She had decided against it. Her mother was a great woman
. There was no need to subject her to the humiliation of losing control in her own home. Besides, she rather liked being cared after, a luxury she wouldn't have if she caused a ruckus and was forced to move out.
A plate stacked with six pancakes, a load of scrambled eggs, and another plate stacked with sausage patties was placed in front of her. Dean gleefully dug into the food, getting through half of it before she spoke again. "Where is Lorna? She rarely misses breakfast."
Lok scowled. "She was out all last night, no doubt with that boy of hers."
She frowned. "That's the one she snuck away with instead of attending dinner last night? Is it serious?"
"You know your sister," her mother threw in. "She won't settle for anything less than her mate. She's just addicted to romance."
"That's partially your fault," Dean replied. "All the stories you tell. Bright eyes. Thrumming hearts. I can't wait till I find my mate either." Though I'm a bit more patient than my sister.
"Well," her father grouched. "I think its about time I have a chat with this boyfriend of hers. A relationship doesn't need to be serious to have serious consequences." He stood from his place at the table and gave his wife a quick kiss. "Fancy coming with me Dean? Been awhile since the two of us had a hunt between us."
She shook her head. "Today's the day I choose my replacement and the alpha wants to speak with me. I don't think I'll have the time."
He frowned, hearing her refer to his brother as "the alpha" instead of "Uncle Lucien". It meant that the circumstances were formal, but he refrained from asking. There would be a lot more of it going on now that she was a Warrior.
Just thinking about it made him smile. He himself hadn't been able to make it through the training, despite being an Amarok. He'd happily settled into his life as the compound's Mr. Fixit. Still, his blood cried for glory and it was gratifying to see his wish carried out through his child. "Alright. I'll see all of you at dinner."
"I'll walk out with you at least." She placed her plates in the sink, then stood to wrap her mother in a tight hug. "I'll see you later Mother."
Deava kissed her on the cheek. "Have a good day."
The Training Hall was a one story wood building that stretched twenty feet by twenty feet. Its floor saw very little use. The Amarok trained outside, regardless of weather or season. It was mainly used to hold the lockers; thirty two tall metal cabinets, sixteen on either side.
Dean stepped inside, a small smile twisting her lips. Between the lockers and the random trophies from the Warrior's hunts over the mountain, there was just enough space for one person to walk down the aisle comfortably. She had many unpleasant memories of sweaty wolves jostling each other to be first on the field to avoid the wrath of their irritable teacher. It was interesting that, once an experience came to an end, you could remember the worst bits of it fondly.
Number fifteen. It had been her locker for the last six years and it amazed her that this would be the last time she would open it. Inside, her gear hung on its hooks. All of the uniforms for the trainees were standardized, so there was nothing special about it. Several sleeveless black shirts, a black vest, and loose black pants with red lines running along the seams. Worn black boots completed the ensemble, the only thing that wasn't provided for her. They had been a gift from her father after she was chosen.
She slipped the shoes onto her bare feet and gathered the rest of the clothes in her arms, kicking the door closed behind her as she left.
Outside, Lou, one of Lucien's oldest Warriors and the current teacher at the Hall, stood at attention, glaring at a group of hopefuls who tried their best to imitate him.
Dean felt her heart sink at the sight of them. The Warriors were the most respected group in the compound because of their limited options. Young wolves had two roads; they were deemed worthy to fight for the glory of the Amarok or they were regulated to the laborers to maintain their way of life. The option they preferred was obvious and, as a result, every eligible wolf was standing before her, over forty of them.
Most of them were young, which for changers who could live a few centuries, meant under the age of sixty. They appeared to be a third of their age, but there were a few who had gray hairs coming in. They had to be over a hundred years old. She couldn't imagine what they must feel, coming to this field year after year to face countless rejections, never giving up on their dreams.
From them, she could only pick one to succeed her, crushing dozens of hearts in the process. It was ridiculous. Why shouldn't every wolf in the pack know how to fight? Warriors were nothing special and shouldn't be held in such a high regard.
But Lucien had declared his law and she would uphold it.
Stepping forward, she let her gaze sweep through her choices. One caught her eye immediately. A tall brunette, just barely holding her place at the front of the group. She had one foot ahead of everyone else, as if this whole ceremony was just a formality and she couldn't wait to claim her locker. She looked at Dean with expectant eyes and Dean read that look as easily as if it were words in an open book.
The girl thought that, just because Dean had broken tradition, she would choose another female to succeed her, regardless of attitude and talent. It was an insult to her sensibilities and Dean let her emotions show, arranging her face into a threatening scowl. The girl paled and hastily stepped back, disappearing behind the backs of her fellows.
Despite her anger, Dean did want to pick a girl to succeed her. There was another possible. A tall blond who stood at attention, her pale eyes focused, tracking Dean's every step. She gave off the calming presence of the unshakable. Dean would have chosen her too, if she weren't standing in one of the furthest rows of the group.
While she had no doubt the girl would become a skilled fighter with training, she clearly lacked the aggression to contend with the others. She herself had made it through only because she was too talented for anything else. It was unreasonable to assume that this girl would be similarly blessed and the pettier wolves would take full advantage of the fact. With regret, she turned her gaze and kept searching.
The next one to catch her eye was a boy. He was still in his adolescence so he couldn't have been much older than her own thirty years. He was in the first row, which was impressive given he couldn't have muscled his way through.
What really caught her attention was his lack of focus. Everyone in the crowd was either paying rapt attention to her or pretending not to pay attention to her. It was hard to tell with the shaggy brown hair falling into this face, but he seemed oblivious to her, tapping his feet to a silent rhythm.
Dean thought the boy might be weak in the head which, despite their superior bodies, wasn't entirely impossible. Lou wouldn't allow him to stand with the others if he was though. Curiosity piqued, she moved to stand before him. "Recruit, what is your name?"
He turned his face toward her. "Bruno."
"Bruno, what are you listening to that has you tapping your feet at would should be a solemn occasion?"
"I'm not listening to anything. I'm counting." Then he was back to his tapping and head bobbing.
Dean cocked her head. There was nothing to hear in the field except for the wind and a score of anxious heartbeats. Taking a chance, she called her wolf to her ears. Her skin tingled as they lengthened, fur sprouting along the tips.
With her improved hearing, she immediately picked out what Bruno was listening to. Croaks, soft ones, coming from the opposite side of the field. "Frogs? Is that what you're counting?"
"My father is a groundskeeper who mainly tracks the animal populations around, and sometimes in, the compound. There are a lot more frogs appearing this side of the wall recently and I am helping him to get an accurate count of their numbers."
"Admirable." The field stretched a long ways and the croaking came opposite of it. There should have been no way he could have heard them. Unless...
Stepping closer, she reached her hands out and grabbed his ears. She wasn't surprised when, instead
of smooth skin, her fingers rubbed soft fur. Bruno grinned and his ears gave a twitch. "Born with them like that. It's a pain because anything too loud gives me the worst kind of headache, but they come in use."
"Feral born." It was the term for a wolf born with a little more animal than usual. They tended to be physically stronger, but they had a harder time controlling their instincts. Remaining composed in a large crowd should have been downright impossible. "How interesting. And why do you want to be a Warrior?"
"Freedom. I love the pack the same as anyone else, but these walls are like poison, slowly killing me. My wolf wants more space, to run and jump. I wish to join the Scouts."
Dean sucked in a breath. Scouts lived outside, tracking down threats before they could ever reach the more vulnerable members of the pack. It was an exceedingly dangerous life and only the best fighters were given the chance. "Ambitious," she replied but, inwardly, she was thinking that for someone with his level of control, it was hardly unthinkable.
Grinning, she handed over her armor, amused by the way Bruno's jaw dropped at the offering. "You better get to work then."
Hastily, he tucked the clothing under his arm and awkwardly saluted her, thumping a hand over his heart while the other pressed against his lower back. "Yes!"
Dean looked over to Lou, who nodded to her once. He'd seen the boy as well and approved of her choice. She didn't need his input, but it soothed her doubts knowing that her teacher had backed her decision. Nodding back, she gave Bruno a final smile and left the field for her meeting.
Though the Alpha House was open to every one, visitors remained on the first floor. The second contained the personal rooms. Being family, Dean normally didn't concern herself with an invitation to wander the house, but it wasn't her uncle who summoned her. It was the alpha. She decided caution was best and knocked on the office's door.
"Come in!"
She stepped inside and crossed her arms behind her back, the Warrior's at ease stance. "You wanted to see me sir?"